00491_11, TIBET-10072. CAPTION: Girl in a Chinese Coat. Xigaze, Tibet, 2001. MAX: 40X60 Magnum Squares 2017:I photographed this girl in her new Chinese-style coat in Xigaze, Tibet's second largest city. She wore it with pride, and it was easy to establish a rapport with her and her family. I like to get in close when I make portraits so that distracting elements don't interfere with the person's expression. I think of taking portraits as making a family album of our time. This picture is one page of that album. --- While Chinese rule provokes anger and resentment among Tibetans, there is a slow cultural influence that subtly infiltrates. McCurry observed that this young girl was wearing a Chinese-style coat. For her, it is clearly an object of pride. With a scarf loosely draped around her shoulders and make-up colouring her cheeks and lips, she appears to take pleasure in the attention she is receiving. Shigatse is 600 years old, and stands at the junction of the Yarlong Tsangpo and Nyangchu rivers. The name means "fertile land". It used to be the capital of Tsang, and is currently the capital of Shigatse prefecture. National Geographic, April 2002, 55, Looking East, The Path to Buddha. Phaidon, Iconic Images, final book_iconic, page 31. Tibetan girl in a Chinese-style coat, Xigaze, Tibet, 2001. Pg 203. Untold: The Stories Behind the Photographs. IG: We invite you to visit Steve's exhibition opening at The Empty Quarter Gallery (@theemptyquarter_dubai) tonight from 7-10 p.m. This portrait of a young girl taken in Tibet is featured in the show. 11/23/2016 The Path to Buddha_Book Steve Mccurry_Book pg.114 Looking East_Book Iconic_Book PORTRAITS_book final print_MACRO final print_Sao Paulo, Milan, Birmingham, Zurich PORTRAITS_APP Stern Portfolio_Book Fine Art Print retouched_Sonny Fabbri 08/04/2016